Mali Klein is coming back to the US – new books and video coming!
Update as of May 18, 2018: The Essiac Essentials Handbook by Mali Klein is now in print! It is a beauty! Just drove to Pine Orchard Press in Moscow Idaho to pick the new books up! Mali Klein is arriving in just over one week and we'll be looking forward to sharing our visit via video, with all who love Essiac! Stay tuned 🙂 Click HERE to order the Essiac Essentials Handbook!
Sheila Snow and Mali Klein are the light-bearers of the truth when it comes to Rene Caisse and Essiac. They have collectively written a total of nine books about it. Now the number is eleven! Mali and Sheila began a collaboration in the mid-1990s following the death of Mali's husband Gregory. Mali was starting an Essiac charity in England to honor how it had helped in their journey with a brain tumor. Mali traveled to Bracebridge Ontario to meet Sheila, who had written The Essence of Essiac in 1993. (The charity, Clouds Trust, has been very successful and is still in operation and thriving in 2018!)
Mali returned for many more visits over the years, and she learned more and more from Sheila and Mary McPherson, Rene's other long-time friend and associate. It became apparent that there was more to the story than the public had been told, and there was substantial misinformation circulating. After Rene's death in 1978, there was no one left who knew the whole truth about Essiac, except Mary and Sheila. A trend towards stronger concentrations of the decoction and higher dosages that began in the U.S. had begun to obscure the ways in which Rene had worked with the formulae.
As a result, each successive Snow/Klein book has had more to say on the subject. The first book Sheila and Mali co-authored was Essiac Essentials (1999). Essiac the Secrets of Rene Caisse's Herbal Pharmacy was published in 2001 and The Essiac Book was published in 2006. Mary died in 2006. Sheila passed away in 2008. Sheila had spent years collecting Essiac history and all the papers and pieces of it were passed on to Mali in 2010. Yours truly Debbie Jakovac began working with Mali to preserve the Essiac legacy that same year. In 2011 The Complete Essiac Essentials was published as part of that collaboration. We brought Mali from Europe for a visit in 2010 and brought her back to the US again in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and Mali and I spent time in Bracebridge Ontario, Rene's home town, as well as in the NW US giving Essiac classes. Since then many more have joined us on our journey and mission to keep the knowledge of Essiac accurate and to keep the herbs available to all who wish to explore this simple and safe key to good health. It is very heartening to see how Essiac and herbal medicine have begun to be recognized more widely again. It is also very heartening to see how the importance of Sheep sorrel root in the Essiac formula has become known more widely known largely because of Mali Klein's work!
As Mali became more and more aware of the importance of Sheep sorrel roots in the Essiac formula she felt the public had a right to know. Especially considering how strongly Nurse Caisse felt about it in her correspondence with the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center during the 1970s when they researched Essiac.
“You can buy the crushed leaves but they are no good alone. I found this out when I needed so much, when treating three to six hundred people afflicted with cancer every week for eight and a half years. I do know that the whole plant is needed.”
Each Snow/Klein book had a little more to say about it as a result.
The first book, Essiac Essentials, placed little emphasis - 'One level teaspoonful of it is sufficient for each 16 ounces of the powdered summer harvest of leaves." In both Essiac Essentials and Essiac The Secrets of Rene Caisse's Pharmacy (Snow/Klein, 2001) the recipe simply calls for "Sheep sorrel, powdered." But then when The Essiac Book came out in 2006, Mali recommended that 25% of the Sheep sorrel portion should be roots, officially breaking the 'code of silence'.
In The Complete Essiac Essentials (2010), Mali reported, "The root contains important additional elements in comparison to the aerial parts of the Sheep sorrel herb and must be included in as great a quantity as possible in the decoctions." (emphasis added) Mali herself uses 100% root but it is still difficult to source Sheep sorrel root, so it is difficult to include that much for most people unless they grow their own. (It is easy to grow.)
Mali has now completed her thesis and made her findings on the key to what made Essiac so effective when Rene Caisse operated her Cancer clinic in the 1930s. Coming available in softcover format from Blue Moon Herbs in the summer of 2018 is The Essiac Essentials Handbook. Its here!!! As of May 15, 2018 we are so pleased to announce that the new book is off the press and available!! They are really beautiful books, with full color illustrations throughout and if it is true that the best comes at the last, then this proves it out. Mali Klein, thank you!
The Essiac Essentials Handbook is also currently available in English, French and German on Amazon, with excellent translations. The book illustrates how the Essiac formula was altered after Rene Caisse's death. The ebook even has an audio file of a telephone conversation between Dr. Charles Brusch and Sheila Snow wherein he confesses he does not know the Essiac formula. Mali makes a powerful case for formal research of the original Native American 8-herb Essiac formula (not to be confused with present-day 8-herb formulas on the market, which only have some of the right herbs). Lastly, this book really shows Mary's personality more than the earlier books have, and it is a delight to get to know Mary a little better inside these pages.
Mali Klein also released another ebook book in April 2017 - this one is available free of charge, just click on the link: A Dangerous Sweetness. It is the life story of her husband Gregory Klein. Much of the book is based on his memoirs covering growing up in Buffalo NY, service in the Marines in Viet Nam, being discharged as a disabled veteran, and his subsequent journey to becoming a Theravadan Buddhist monk and one of the first four to bring this form of Buddhism to the Western World. It also chronicles his service-based brain cancer diagnosis and the poignance of that lesson in impermanence.
Last but not least! Mali is coming back for another visit! ...And lo and behold, that time has arrived! Mali will be here from May 28-June 3 and we're very excited to share the visit via video! Stay tuned as we visit about Essiac and contact us if you have something you'd like us to discuss. Mali Klein is a living encyclopedia of Essiac knowledge and we encourage your questions!
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