Information, inspiration, action: the alchemy
There is so much information at our fingertips in this 21st century world and lately I, being a child of the 20th century, have been feeling the gap. I find myself googling everything while my books gather dust and the days fly by! I am in awe at the agility of the new generation in electronically interfacing with the world. There is so much to learn and know and much of it free on the internet. But its a bit like going for a bath in the ocean...
Its no easy task morphing information overload into clarity and concrete action. For me, balancing my time between solitude and hands-on living and interacting with other people is what makes the alchemy. Sharing information feeds inspiration, and one of the best places to start is at a potluck in a living room with friends. Ideas are hatched into actions that can benefit not just the individual but the greater community and ultimately, YES we can change the world.
Social media can end up cutting into our face-to-face time with real people. It fragments communication into post-sized bytes and too much superficiality. Too many distractions even if they are entertaining. And how candid or meaningful can you get when you know its not even close to a personal conversation? There is nothing like a real hug and real people. That's what truly inspires me, and sometimes its the only thing that works. LOL step away from the computer and go hug the nearest person...but then come back and read on. 🙂
I originally was introduced to Essiac five years ago this summer. For four years I was doing it with a partner, and it was a lot easier and fun to share the work. For the past year, I have been working mostly alone, but this has been equally good. I have gotten relocated and have some beautiful land to grow the herbs on, and the people I have met along the way have the feel of my new extended family. Together we can do it and the inspiration builds as many hands bring dreams to life.
I feel so blessed to be here in the middle of Montana, my home state, on Flathead Lake, the most beautiful gem. So many incredible people are doing some great things for this region by 'being the change' that will carry us through. A story about some of them can be found in this week's Missoula Independent. Its a story about permaculture, and some very special nearby land called the Place of Gathering. This is where I will be growing the Essiac herbs, with a little help from my friends. 😉 For more info about permaculture I recommend this great website:
"The community of life, the call for making things better for the next and the next generations blots out all hesitation. We have to be part of something larger than ourselves, because our dreams are often bigger than our lifetimes." - Rosalie Bertell
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